SMART Recovery
SMART Recovery is an addiction recovery support group alternative to the traditional 12-step program, welcoming individuals with any type of addiction, unlike many other support group programs that focus on a single addiction.
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What Is SMART Recovery?
SMART Recovery is a self-help support group for recovering addicts working on building a life beyond addiction.
Short for Self-Management and Recovery Training, SMART meetings emphasize the power of choice—the idea that we are all empowered to make better daily choices.
SMART Recovery meetings are held by a trained facilitator and focus on individual responsibility and self-empowering activities. These group meetings take place online and face-to-face.
How Does SMART Recovery Differ from 12-Step Programs?
SMART Recovery was created as an alternative to 12-step programs (i.e., Alcoholics Anonymous).
SMART Recovery differs from 12-step programs in that it utilizes evidence-based tools centered around its 4-Point Program, while 12-step programs refer to its Twelve Steps for guidance.
In addition, SMART Recovery is a science-based program strongly influenced by cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques, while 12-step programs were founded on spiritual principles and refer to a higher power for guidance.
SMART Recovery also focuses on building self-reliance to overcome problematic behaviors, whereas 12-step programs emphasize powerlessness to addiction and the importance of surrender.
Both communities are volunteer-run non-profit organizations and can provide a fantastic recovery community for anyone recovering from addiction. If you aren’t sure which one is right for you, there’s no harm in attending meetings from both programs until you decide.
SMART Recovery 4-Point Program
SMART Recovery uses its 4-Point Program to encourage participants to make positive strides toward a life beyond addiction.
The four points of the program teach the following:
- Maintaining motivation to abstain from future substance abuse
- Learning how to cope with urges and cravings
- Managing one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
- Living a balanced life through positive choices and habits
SMART Recovery programs employ several tools to help users enjoy freedom from addiction throughout their recovery journey.
What Are Some of the SMART Recovery Tools?
Some tools that SMART Recovery programs utilize include:
- Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool: Participants examine their behaviors to uncover what risks and rewards lie behind them.
- Hierarchy of Values: This worksheet allows participants to identify their core values and then narrow them down to reveal what is most important to them.
- Change Plan Worksheet: Participants begin by identifying their long-term goals, then use this worksheet to create strategies for achieving them and monitor their progress.
- DISARM: This tool helps participants identify and refute urges and impulses that could put their sobriety at risk.
- Role-Playing/Rehearsing: Participants can role-play scenarios in a safe environment to help them practice managing themselves under challenging situations.
- ABCs of Coping with Urges: Participants learn to manage their emotions through a behavioral technique based on Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT).
Check out their website’s SMART Recovery Toolbox section for a complete list of tools and descriptions.
SMART Recovery Meetings
SMART Recovery meetings are open to individuals in recovery, their friends, and their family members. Meetings are free, though many groups will accept donations to help cover meeting costs.
SMART Recovery does not focus on any specific type of substance use disorder. Instead, SMART Recovery meetings are helpful for people in recovery from any substance abuse or addiction (including behavioral addictions, eating disorders, and other problematic behaviors).
What to Expect at a SMART Recovery Meeting
SMART Recovery meetings typically last 60 to 90 minutes and have 3 to 12 attendees. They are available in person or online.
The meeting facilitator opens the session by reading the Group Welcome. This is followed by check-ins, during which participants can discuss challenges or successes since the last meeting.
Once everyone who wishes to has shared, the facilitator will guide the group in a discussion.
When the support meeting ends, the facilitator wraps up the session. Before everyone departs, a collection basket is sometimes passed around for optional donations.
How to Find a SMART Recovery Meeting Near You
If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse and could benefit from attending a SMART Recovery meeting in your area, their meeting finder page lists local and online meetings.
There’s even a SMART Recovery mobile app with information and resources to help you throughout your recovery journey.
FAQs about SMART Recovery
What is the difference between SMART Recovery and Alcoholics Anonymous?
Twelve-step programs were founded on Christian principles and later expanded to encompass general spirituality. Members look to a higher power (of their choice) for guidance.
SMART Recovery has a more science-based approach to recovery and does not incorporate spirituality. Additionally, SMART Recovery emphasizes self-empowerment, whereas 12-step programs focus on powerlessness in the face of addiction.
Does SMART Recovery cure addiction?
While there is no cure for addiction, mutual-support groups like SMART Recovery provide free addiction recovery support to individuals around the world.
What is the difference between SMART Recovery and Alcoholics Anonymous?
Twelve-step programs were founded on Christian principles and later expanded to encompass general spirituality. Members look to a higher power (of their choice) for guidance.
SMART Recovery has a more science-based approach to recovery and does not incorporate any spiritualism.
Additionally, SMART Recovery emphasizes self-empowerment, whereas 12-step programs focus on powerlessness in the face of addiction.
Do you have to detox before starting SMART Recovery?
No. While detox is not a prerequisite for joining a SMART Program, detoxing before seeking treatment and recovery is recommended.
Does it cost money to attend SMART recovery meetings?
SMART Recovery meetings are free for anyone to attend. Since SMART Recovery is a mutual-aid program, many groups accept donations to help cover the costs of running the meetings.
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