Chris Carberg

Founder & Mental Health Advocate

Chris Carberg is a visionary digital entrepreneur, the founder of, and a long-time recovering addict from prescription opioids, sedatives, and alcohol.  Over the past 15 years, Chris has worked as a tireless advocate for addicts and their loved ones while becoming a sought-after digital entrepreneur. Chris is a storyteller and aims to share his story with others in the hopes of helping them achieve their own recovery.

Meet Chris Carberg, Founder of

Chris Carberg grew up as a creative performer, actor, and writer and had a great family life. While a student in college, Chris was prescribed painkillers to help him deal with debilitating migraines, and he soon found himself out of control. In 2005, Chris was hospitalized after a near-death overdose and came to terms with the fact that he had become addicted to prescription drugs.

Following a stay in addiction treatment, Chris began his recovery in his senior year of college. With his mother and father’s incredible help and support, Chris achieved a year of sobriety, which set him down a path to help people like himself.

Forging a New Path

On his one-year sobriety in 2006, Chris wrote a play that combined biting satire and the gut-wrenching realities of addiction. He called the play, Mourning in Bohemia, and it was produced at the Project Spotlight One-Act Festival at the University of Central Florida.

The play was a great success and has been shared and performed elsewhere. He followed this up with three addiction awareness plays, including a three-act version of Mourning in Bohemia, the tragic The Fall of Babylon, and Black Market. Something in him told him he was destined to educate the world about addiction and mental health issues.

Finding His Way

Following his graduation in 2006 from the University of Central Florida, Chris co-starred in the film Sydney White with Amanda Bynes. However, he found his attention drawn to creating internet-based companies.

Over the following decade, Chris launched successful brands and found himself an established and successful entrepreneur. Chris wanted to use his talents and passion to help people like himself, which led him to learn more about mental health, addiction, and other disorders.

A Career Dedicated to Serving Others

Chris employed his digital skills as a co-founder in an enterprise startup addiction resource in 2014, then following his wife’s severe illness, he launched the mental health website in 2016.

In 2020, Chris felt called to focus more attention on addiction, behavioral disorders, specialized care, and more and founded the Recovery Health Group (RHG) with partners including Kent S. Hoffman, D.O., a renowned addiction specialist. Based in Orlando, FL. Addiction Help became the flagship website for DHAG, focused on education and awareness.

Chris has remained clean and sober since 2005 and currently lives in Winter Springs, FL, with his incredible wife, Jenna, and their two children.

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